The elephant seal harems are growing on the beaches around the isthmus. Each harem has a Beachmaster, a big male, and a posse of female seals who chose the harem that they wish to join. The Beachmasters then battle it out to take control of each others harems, winning the rights to mate with all of the females. First though the females need to finish having their pups. As the harems get bigger the Beachmaster has a greater area to cover to ward off sneaky suitors. If a rival male sneaks up on the harem, the Beachmaster will often charge through the seals, crushing females and pups to ward off the challenger. These battles can be a fight to the death, and the sight of two 3 tonne seals smashing against each other with tremendous force is a sight to behold.
To perch up in the tussock and watch this unfold has been likened to watching a soap opera of sorts.
Elephant seal harem on east beach. Photo: Justin Chambers |
Seal harem on east beach. Photo: Justin Chambers |
Beachmaster and his harem. Photo: Justin Chambers |
Thanks for the photos jj.
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