Monday 15 June 2015

June 11: King Penguin Chick census

Again, keeping busy helping the Rangers for an hour or so today I walked down to Gadgets Gully with Ranger Anna to count the number of chicks in the King Penguin crèche near Station.
This involves staring at these little critters through binoculars, and trying to count them , whilst they simultaneously make it challenging by waddling all over the place, and just generally being hilarious.  I failed miserably trying to count whilst these guys were flapping their silly little fluffy wings about and falling all over the place, my giggling interfering with my counting concentration.  I got a regular 150ish, and Anna seemed to come up with between 170 and 190.  Checkout the photo, imagine them moving, then imagine counting them!
The Giant Petrels hang about this crèche waiting for a meal of a stray chick. The adult birds remain quite passive about the whole thing, and seem to rarely defend a chick.  One little fella became a meal that day, but the Giant Petrels were fed for another day.  Such is nature.

Chick crèche. Photo: Jacque Comery

Adult King Penguins. Photo: Jacque Comery

Giant Petrels surround the adult King Penguins. Photo: Jacque Comery
Adults look on as a chick is taken and made a meal. Photo: Jacque Comery

GPs feeding on a chick. Photo: Jacque Comery

Meal for the day. Photo: Jacque Comery

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