Monday 20 July 2015

July 14: Rye bread!

Chef Justin has been teaching me new more new tricks...

Clearly the fact that these loaves of bread are the subject of post of the day demonstrates how excited I am to make bread!
Perhaps I shall leave here and start an artisan bakery.  It will need to be artisan so as to accommodate my unpredictably shaped outputs! ...or maybe not...

Rye bread. Photo: Jacque Comery

July 13: Snowy Antarctic Terns

The Antarctic Terns were not deterred by snows on station, rather they seemed to take advantage of the excellent camouflage it offered them, whilst they rested up after recent storms. They all sit facing into the wind, nestled down into hollows in the snow. We more often see them flying about, and they are most elegant in flight, zipping over the tops of the cresting waves. They are fast and very manoeuvrable, so I have found it a rare pleasure to be able to photograph them whilst they sit still!
When these guys are in breeding plumage their little black caps will be all filled in. New caps to impress the ladies!

Ready for take off. Photo: Jacque Comery
Antarctic Terns on the snowy beach front. Photo: Jacque Comery

Facing into the wind, and acting invisible. Photo: Jacque Comery